Five Etsy Finds this week....

an old bicycle photo - why cant I have one of these where I can store my baguettes and farmers market finds every Sunday?

How fricken adorable! I want this little guy to sit on my bathroom windowsill

A Pollock inspired clutch - this would add some great color to any outfit

A pink sapphire tentacle ring, part little mermaid, part goth, part sea goddess, i think its pretty bad ass

And this pillow because this phrase will always remind me of my older brother and my mother. When my brother asked for a $500 ipod for christmas one year, my mom thought it would be funny, no let me rephrase, my mom thought it would inspire my then bachelor-beer -drinking brother to call her more often if she engraved it "call your mother she worries" -- can you say Kitty Forman?

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